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Hispasat AG1 mission logo unveiled

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Telecom company Hispasat unveiled the official logo yesterday at the Paris Air & Space Show for its new Hispasat Advanced Generation 1 satellite.

Hispasat AG1, due for launch in 2013, is the first satellite to use Europe’s new SmallGEO platform, developed through a public–private partnership between ESA and Germany’s OHB. ESA and Spanish operator Hispasat signed a contract in 2008 for Hispasat AG1, which is now being built and tested. Hispasat AG1 will provide Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands and the Americas with faster multimedia services through its reconfigurable Redsat payload, which offers better signal quality and flexible land coverage. Together with a traditional commercial payload using advanced Ka- and Ku-band transmitters, Redsat allows higher transmission speeds.  
“The logo represents the new AG1 satellite graphically, giving it a clear and defined personality that highlights the values of technology and innovation,” explained Petra Mateos, Chairman of Hispasat. “Yellow and grey represent Hispasat´s corporate colours and the dark blue chromatic hues suggest ESA´s corporate colours; the colour of the Universe.”
Hispasat will integrate Hispasat AG1 into its existing fleet of geostationary satellites.
SmallGEO is part of the new generation of modular and flexible telecommunications platforms. Offering up to 3 kW of payload power and compatible with a number of commercial launchers, it strengthens Europe’s position in the global telecommunications platform market. “The presentation of the Hispasat AG 1 mission logo shows the commitment of Hispasat, OHB and partners in pursuing the ARTES 11 programme objectives,” said Antonio Garutti, ESA project manager. “It now gives an identity to all of the engineering efforts spent over the last years and signals the start of the production phase.”  

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